Head of Civil Service Unveils “War Rooms” to Drive Federal Civil Service Reforms

Didi Walson-Jack, Head of the Civil Service of the Federation, has announced the creation of “War Rooms” designed to manage and oversee the Federal Civil Service Strategy and Implementation Plan 2021-2025 (FCSSIP-25). These War Rooms are set to play a crucial role in advancing civil service reforms by focusing on each of the plan’s six pillars and essential enablers, aimed at addressing specific challenges associated with each pillar.

This announcement was made during a recent retreat with Federal Permanent Secretaries in Zuba, Niger State. According to a statement from Eno Olotu, Director of Press at the Office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation, Walson-Jack outlined that the War Rooms, led by Permanent Secretaries, will involve all key stakeholders to ensure prompt and coordinated action. The initiative aims to “win” these “wars” and achieve successful reform outcomes for both the Federal Civil Service and the Nigerian public.

The retreat, coordinated by Dr. Deborah Bako Odoh, Permanent Secretary of the Service Policies and Strategies Office, included a review of the FCSSIP-25’s six pillars and enablers by Federal Permanent Secretaries. They proposed new Key Performance Indicators and activities to refine the plan’s content and align initiatives with established targets.

Participants also highlighted the urgent need to centralize technology solutions to drive the implementation of Enterprise Content Management and Performance Management Systems across the Public Service. Centralizing these systems is expected to streamline processes, ensure uniformity across all MDAs, and improve overall efficiency and transparency in service delivery.

Fatima Mahmood, Permanent Secretary of the Career Management Office, described the retreat as a collective effort to transform the Nigerian public service into a model of efficiency, innovation, and dedication to service delivery. Raymond Omachi, Permanent Secretary of the Common Services Office, commended the participants for their robust discussions and commitment during the retreat.

The three-day event featured presentations on creativity, innovation, service delivery, and the application of Artificial Intelligence to boost efficiency and productivity. Additional sessions addressed key topics including the FCSSIP-25 pillars, Enterprise Content Management, digitalization, and the Performance Management System.

Written By : Idu Sunita

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